Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Jason "Racist" Chaffetz

About an year ago I had the 'opportunity' to meet Congressman Jason Chaffetz. I was not impressed by his demeanor and and felt creepy around him. I though he should be featured in an episode of Law and Order SVU. (I wouldn't put it past him as he loves putting his face on TV).

So why do I refer to him as Jason "Racist" Chaffetz? Well last semester the health care debate began heating up and Rep. Chaffetz held a town hall meeting in Provo. It was the most useless thing I had ever been to. It was a night full of extreme right wing propaganda and no answers. The meeting began in a dramatic fashion with Chaffetz slamming the healthcare bill down on the podium and him yelling that in no way he supported the bill. He gave a little speech and mentioned how Glenn Beck was a good watch dog (which got thunderous applause from the audience) and then opened the floor for questions.

Chaffetz provided no real answers and danced around serious questions. He basically told people if they couldn't afford insurance to get a better job. He told people if they were denied because of pre-existing conditions then give up cable and purchase into Utah's high risk pool. He patronized these people and blew them off. They had concerns and were looking for answers. Instead Chaffetz told them they were on their own.

Another woman had another legitimate concern. She didn't want to be forced to purchase insurance because she was an herbologist and treated her ailments through the use of herbs and not modern medicine. Instead of addressing that concern he mocked her way of life and implied that she was a pot head.

Another woman asked about his campaign promise of implementing term limits. Again Chaffetz danced around the questions and said "If we had term limits we wouldn't have great people in office like Ron Paul:

When the meeting continued with no real answers a group of people began to get upset and yell from the back of the room "Jason Racists Chaffetz". When the people were confronted by Chaffetz's staff they said that Chaffetz was not a racists. One of the roudy group members asked then why does he want to put immigrants in interment camps? The staff member said "not internment camps, federal work prisons" ...

I ask, really? Federal work prisons.

Now Chaffetz has been referred to as a "Media Whore" and will do anything to make noise to get on TV or radio.

Well here is a new one where Chaffetz makes a fool of himself accusing Kobe of being ignorant. I'm not a Lakers, or Kobe, fan but to ridicule an NBA player that speaks multiple languages shows that Chaffetz is the ignorant one.

One of my favorite comments on the linked article:

He not only mouthed off on Kobe but on Obama....(from wikipedia)

"Upon hearing that U.S. President Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize on October 9, 2009, Chaffetz said he had "lost all respect for the award", claiming "it used to be one of distinction, but [now] it is hard to give it any credibility".[14]"

Who does he respect?

He was a Democrat until he met Reagan, then turned Republican. Obvious case of a professional politician. Speaking now just to make noise. I heard a tree fell in the forest. It didn't make nay noise.

Just as this commenter asked, Who does he respect?

Maybe it is time for Utah's 3rd district to look into voting for someone with real life experience, intelligence, and respect, not a cosmetic spokesman.

I will be voting for Karen Hyer. She is running against him and she is someone who can get the job done. Check out her website at

Here is the bio from her website:

Karen Hyer resides in the Third Congressional district, in Provo, Utah. She brings a wealth of experience to help her address the problems assailing our nation.

She began her career teaching junior high school, something that led her to pursue a doctorate and a teaching and research position at one of the nation’s foremost medical centers. There she taught leadership and health policy.

After over a decade, she left teaching at the university to raise her three sons on a family farm where she managed an extensive hunting and ranching operation while also operating a consulting business that worked aiding small businesses across the nation through the Small Business Administration and local Chambers of Commerce.

It was there on the family ranch that she took up the cause of small family farmers as a lead plaintiff against the federal government, winning a rare victory for both the environment and family farmers.

This case and the victory led her to pursue a law degree specializing in environmental and Constitutional law, after which she was invited to teach ethics at Brigham Young University’s Marriott School of Management.

Since that time over twenty years ago she has made Provo her home, teaching at Brigham Young University and being involved in numerous international assignments, including teaching business and U.S. Constitutional law in China, a place where she helped found a top law school and an internationally renowned women’s institute to address problems of rural poverty. Of note, during her years of service in China, Karen was one of a select group of foreign legal experts who aided in developing the first code of commercial contract law in the history of China.

Karen Hyer is married to Paul Van Hyer, professor emeritus of BYU

Oh and Before my blogpost gets spammed by Chaffetz's goonies here is their standard response to any nay say about him:

"Jason getting things done

Rep. Jason Chaffetz has been fighting for

* Fiscal Discipline
* Limited Government
* Accountability
* Strong National Defense

Chaffetz has sponsored over a dozen bills, original co-sponsored under 100 and co-sponsored hundreds of others. He shows up to vote. I don't know if he has missed more than 1 surprise vote all year.

He had 310 in the house vote in favor of an amendment re: whole body scans, it passed the house and is in the senate. I know of one bill Jason started that signed by Obama. Others are now in the senate.

Not only is he making waves, he is decreasing government waste. He is standing up for traditional families.

I am glad he is running for re-election. We need more like him."

No. Lets vote him out!

Karen Hyer for Congress!