Monday, October 12, 2009
President Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a big fan of President Obama. I am even considered extremely liberal for being a member of the LDS Church. But President Obama wining the Nobel Peace Prize is somewhat shocking. But still, Congratulations Mr. President.
The Prize Committee stated the following:"Obama has as president created a new climate in international politics. Multilateral diplomacy has regained a central position, with emphasis on the role that the United Nations and other international institutions can play. Dialogue and negotiations are preferred as instruments for resolving even the most difficult international conflicts."
Many people also state the prize committee gave out the prize because Obama has promised change although has done nothing. I posted my response to the above quote on facebook "Granted were still in war but I think they [The world and Prize Committee] are trying to make the point that Bush's preemptive war policy is just plain wrong. I have always felt international diplomacy is extremely important in keeping peace and avoiding war. I never agreed with the Iraq war. I was against it even when Bush and company were pushing for it."
A former church leader of mine (former because I no longer live in his neighborhood) sent me a message admonishing me to be 'careful' because preemptive war is not 'just plain wrong' as I had stated. He uses God commanding the Israelites to annihilate the Canaanites and Capitan Moroni preemptively attacking Amalickiah. Now lets pause a moment and remember: President Bush does not equal God nor even a prophet, no matter how much of a religious conservative he is. Neither am I saying that God is wrong for annihilate the Canaanites, He is ultimate word in all things.
This former church leader and I share similar Zeitgeists (or a general out-look from a specific philosophy or theology in our case) but our perspectives are very different. So like I said I don't disagree with God destroying people, God knows far more than I ever could in this life. But this is how I look at Capitan Moroni.
Helaman was the religious leader at the time and there is not much written of what he has said about Capitan Moroni's preemptive war. Capitan Moroni was chief commander of the armies and he was appointed by the Chief Judges and 'voice of the people'. The Judges system in the Book of Mormon is a system of representative democracy therefore Capitan Moroni was a political leader of his time.
Amalickiah sought to become a king (eliminating a representative democracy) and to destroy the church of God and the foundation of liberty. This is in no means the traits of a just man. The Book of Mormon states: "...when Moroni.. had heard these dissensions, he was angry with with Amalickiah". The Book of Mormon is very clear in this instance that Capitan Moroni (not God) was angry with Amalickiah's disagreements. This lead to the great deceleration of the Title of Liberty and Capitan Moroni dressed in full armor waving the Title to rally the people behind his cause, promoting Liberty.
Capitan Moroni is a God fearing man as it is obvious when he speaks to his people concerning the maintaining their religion. This is not to be mistaken with a prophetic leader. President Bush has been quoted many times on how God has inspired his decisions even the decision to attack Saddam Hussein. According to LDS standards President Bush cannot be a prophet for he holds no keys so the attack on Iraq was not a prophetic deceleration of what God wanted. Similarly with Capitan Moroni he feels angered (as quoted in The Book of Mormon) against a threat and seeks to eliminate this threat.
I'm certain that my perspective varies entirely from my former church leader. I even see this story in The Book of Mormon teaching us that preemptive war does not work. Amalickiah survived and escaped Capitan Moroni's attack against him became King of the Laminates and brought destruction upon the Nephites.
In no way do I be-little Capitan Moroni or the great political leader he was. He is one of my heroes in the Book of Mormon because of his patriotism and great ability to lead people.
So I stand by my statement preemptive war is just plain wrong (unless it is God Himself waging the war). I disagree whole-heartedly with my former church leader. We have a difference of opinions based on perspectives but also a mutual respect. So this why I am ok with President Obama being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. He is clearly open to diplomatic means and other people in the world appreciate this. Although I am sorry that the Nobel Prize may have become political game as we all know President Obama has not done huge amounts of work in this area (but has made a significant change in my opinion).
Quoting one of my Professors ''I consider this Nobel Prize one of two things - either a "down payment" on Obama's good intentions and a signal to the world to take him seriously, or a slap at Bush. Since the Committee recently awarded prizes to Gore and Carter, I'm afraid it may be more of the latter than the former."
I agree with him on that statement except I don't think the slap was directly at Bush himself but his ideals in regards to international relations and his policy of preemptive war.
Thank you so much for your post on President Obama. I, too, love him for his integrity, love of people, and good heart. I am also LDS and very active, but get considerable flack for liking Obama.