Wednesday, June 11, 2008
I finally received Scott McClellan’s book 'What Happened'. It had been on back order from for a few weeks. Thus far I am very intrigued by his insights to the Whitehouse then to the person we know was President Bush.

Bush seemed to believe the change that Obama speaks of these days. I do remember the days when Bush was first selected to be President by not the people but by the Supreme Court. That is when I first started getting into politics. He also spoke of change and a different government because everybody was tired of the scandals that emerged from the Clinton administration. So now I'm intrigued. Bush claimed change and we got it. Obama claims change and we hope for it. McCain says we can't believe in change.
Senator Obama discusses in his book 'The Audacity of Hope' much desires to be a people’s politician, bipartisan if you will. He is young and daring but republicans swear up and down that he is very liberal. Well his voting record proves that. Bush was bipartisan but went Nazi-Right-Wing shortly after election. So what should we hope for Obama? That he is a liberal with hope and that he changes to a strong bipartisan elected official.
This is why I have always been weary of electing Senator Obama. Will he bring to pass what he claims? Or will he end up like President Bush? After all the American people did not elect President Bush the first time...
"There is an idealistic streak in many of us who get involved in politics. We have a longing for a great leader - The on we imagine as the mythical president of strong character, free of debilitating personal flaws, and committed to striving for high ideals and bringing about something as close to Camelot as we can get, where truth, goodness, and beauty reign supreme.
Most of us are also grounded enough in reality to recognize that such a superhuman leader exists on in our imagination. Yet we still hope for the rare leader who possesses extraordinary talents, unique charisma, and a firm commitment both to striving for greatness and to achieving it the right way, honestly and nobly" - Scott McClellan
I hope that one day I may be able to present the American people with that kind of leader. I work for it now in hopes of a better future for all us.
I believe with Obama we are one step closer to that leader, not quite all the way there but closer.