Monday, June 16, 2008

No Internet

I apologize to all who read my blog. I have had many things to write about but the internet has been down in my apartment building.

My condolences go out to Tim Russert's Family. He was a great man who challenged all politicians to greatness. I encourage you all to watch videos dedicated to him on Youtube

Watch Al Gore's endorsement of Senator Obama

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Hey Bush! What did the five fingers say to the face?

(for any of you that don't get that joke look at

That is what the supreme court Justices told President Bush on their Guantanamo Bay ruling.

Under President Bush's policies there have been detainees held for 6 with no charges brought against them. Granted these are what the United States of America consider to be extreme threats to our country holding them with no charges is unjust. I believe that if one is to be held by the USA for crimes brought against it that person is entitled to the same rights that we are such as Due Processes, habeas corpus, etc.

So now the detainees have the right to challenge their detention. However under Bush's anti-terrorism policy that was not possible. We as Americans are infuriated when our people are held in other countries with even legit reasons. Just imagine how their people feel and why they hate us so.

Now with that being said these men kept there are serious threats. Pelosi said that she wants Guantanamo Bay closed. I do not agree with her completely. I agree they should be giving the right to a trial and contest as to why they are being held but they do need to be kept in strong containment.

So the military jurisdiction is weakened and the detainees have the right to plead to the federal courts. If these are truly bad people as President Bush claims we should put our trust in the leaders under him to prosecute and or judge under what we claim "Liberty and Justice for All"
Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I finally received Scott McClellan’s book 'What Happened'. It had been on back order from for a few weeks. Thus far I am very intrigued by his insights to the Whitehouse then to the person we know was President Bush.

Bush seemed to believe the change that Obama speaks of these days. I do remember the days when Bush was first selected to be President by not the people but by the Supreme Court. That is when I first started getting into politics. He also spoke of change and a different government because everybody was tired of the scandals that emerged from the Clinton administration. So now I'm intrigued. Bush claimed change and we got it. Obama claims change and we hope for it. McCain says we can't believe in change.

Senator Obama discusses in his book 'The Audacity of Hope' much desires to be a people’s politician, bipartisan if you will. He is young and daring but republicans swear up and down that he is very liberal. Well his voting record proves that. Bush was bipartisan but went Nazi-Right-Wing shortly after election. So what should we hope for Obama? That he is a liberal with hope and that he changes to a strong bipartisan elected official.

This is why I have always been weary of electing Senator Obama. Will he bring to pass what he claims? Or will he end up like President Bush? After all the American people did not elect President Bush the first time...

"There is an idealistic streak in many of us who get involved in politics. We have a longing for a great leader - The on we imagine as the mythical president of strong character, free of debilitating personal flaws, and committed to striving for high ideals and bringing about something as close to Camelot as we can get, where truth, goodness, and beauty reign supreme.

Most of us are also grounded enough in reality to recognize that such a superhuman leader exists on in our imagination. Yet we still hope for the rare leader who possesses extraordinary talents, unique charisma, and a firm commitment both to striving for greatness and to achieving it the right way, honestly and nobly" - Scott McClellan

I hope that one day I may be able to present the American people with that kind of leader. I work for it now in hopes of a better future for all us.

I believe with Obama we are one step closer to that leader, not quite all the way there but closer.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I was reading an article on today about McCain's tax holiday and saw that a person that goes by Viva Obama 08 posted this:

"A Vote for Barack Obama is a vote for Hillary Clinton because they support the same cause.
A vote for John McCain is a vote for a George Bush third term more wars, bad economy and more country will not want to deal with our country. If you were really a true Hillary suppoter that want a better America for this generation and the future generation you must vote Democratic this November. Please do yourself a good favor and vote for the Democratic nominee this coming November.
No hard feeling because Hillary has none against Barack. We must put the Republican out of the white house.
As you can see, we are in a big reccession and that will get worse with a John McCain."

I couldn't agree more with this person. Other post on this article I read people claiming to be democrat but plan to vote for McCain because he is more liberal than any other Republican. Although that may be true we must remember that the presidency is made by the people in which he surrounds himself. Obama is supported by Senator Kennedy, Senator Edwards, Governor Richardson, House whip Clyburn, and Senator Clinton. McCain is supported by people such as President Bush, Fred Thompson, Peter Fitzgerald (an unpopular Illinois Senator), and oh yeah Sylvester Stallone.

For all of us that are upset that Clinton didn't get the needed delegates lets stop bickering and put our support behind the man she supports: Senator Barack Obama!

“I’m asking you to believe, not in my ability to bring about real change in Washington. I’m asking you to believe in yours.” —Barack Obama.

Believe in your power...
Monday, June 9, 2008


This pas week has been different. Without a car I feel helpless and I don't like asking everybody for rides to work and whatnot. I don't get how people take advantage of others and always get rides to wherever they need to go. But for all you that help me out... Thanks!

As for the election goes. I really don't understand past Hillary supporters. I supported Mrs. Clinton until she gave up the race and endorsed Senator Obama. I read in blogs on the internet that instead of voting for Obama they are going to vote for McCain. So my question is to them "Why were you going to vote Hillary in the first place?" You go from supporting someone that is ready to end the war to a person that is willing to spend 100 years in Iraq. A person that is for Universal Health care (although I agree the idea needs to be refined greatly) to a person who doesn't care if you have health insurance. This is how the country got screwed with Bush. People thinking lets just vote for someone we like, rather than pay attention to what is really going on. So for all the people that will not vote Obama because he is black and his middle name is Hussein. Thank you for not only screwing your self but for allowing nations to dwindle in unbelief.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Yes We Can!

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.

BARACK OBAMA, speech, Feb. 5, 2008

Everyone who knows me knows that I am politically active. Up until last night I supported Hillary Clinton in running for president. I chose her over Obama because I feared his experience would one day be an issue. I still have great respect for Senator Clinton and bid her well in her future endeavors. Senator Obama obtained the required delegates to be the Democratic Nominee. I voted and campaigned for Senator Obama back in Illinois when he ran for Senate. I will now do the same.

My Friends I encourage you to compare the 2 candidates for president. Obama and McCain. Do not let McCain fool you into how he is not like president Bush while he supports the war to last another 100 years. McCain believes in preemptive war and is already taking verbal shots at Iran. We do not need to lose any more American lives. I love and respect the many Solders who put their lives on the line for us everyday and I pray for their well being. Alas it is time to reorganize the war effort so that we may give the country back to the Iraqi people

Be Active get involved. Register to Vote and voice your opinion! Its your right and your duty! The power of one can be herd!
Monday, June 2, 2008

Long Time No Post

Life has gotten pretty much routine. I let myself get stuck in the world of work and nothing else. I was knocked out of that by my visit to Chicago. I became concerned with where I was going with life and how long I wanted to be at school. I began to re-read the books by Dale Carnegie and refreshed the ambition that I had lost by some minor setbacks in my life. I then read a quote by Thomas Edison "If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves."

After reading a combination of Carnegie and reading Edison's quote I realized that I need to make some serious changes in my life in order get where I want to go. I love the hotel industry and consider it my career and hope that one day I may franchise my own chain of hotels in the future. Having experience is great by with out an education that would never happen. As well I consider myself very political. I have been quite active participating in activities hosted by the democratic party or any other similar functions. I have ambitions to one day run for senator and even president because I see a brighter future the same one that Obama dreams of. We need more politicians like him.

With all that being said. I am making an attempt to return to school full time again come this fall. It will take quite a bit of effort but I am going to do it. It is going to take a lot of sacrifice and I will have to give some things that I love very much in my life. But in order to make my future brighter and stronger I will have to do this. My plans are to return to school full time and by doing that I will graduate with a double major by the end of Winter term 2010. So I will now do my best to accomplish this goal.