Wednesday, May 7, 2008

¿Que esta pasando?


Not much is going on these days. I'm just working and getting ready to go back to the Chi!

I had an interesting conversation at work tonight. One of the ladies at work was giving me relationship advice. It was quite interesting. She was saying how not to get involved with only one person and to get around and see what other people are like. For those that are naive she was saying have sex with more than one girl before settling down! LOL

We sorta talked about me being 'Mormon' and mentioned that the divorce rate in Utah is the highest in the nation. Somehow we got on the subject that I have never seriously dated a Mormon girl. We tried to figure out why that is but I don't even know. I have asked more Mormon girls out on dates than non Mormon girls but I have had only successful relationships with non-Mormons. Weird huh? We went on to subject that Mormon girls are hard to please and all they think about is getting married to have sex. So since I don't feel like I really want to get married right away Mormon girls probably shy away from that! LOL. so yeah.

Maybe I am picky? I doubt it I've dated black girls, white girls, mexican girls, fat girls, skinny girls, model looking girls. So whatever! haha. Maybe it is just that I am normal like the rest of the world; focused on my career and getting school done and not trying to get married just so I can get freaky! LOLz

Well I'm off! WWJD?


Sarraphim said...

Well Joe, I guess that's mostly true, most LDS girls are after marriage to "get freaky" as you so indelicately put things. However, some of us want to build a relationship before we get to that point, build the friendship before they consider marriage, you know? :P Don't give up on looking, just broaden your horizons outside of Provo; BYU "Cupcakes" just ain't your style bro!

Liz said...

How do you make a blog josie? I want to know. And my family has had the "mormons just get married to have sex" talk on several occasions, and it is messed up. But that's not how you and I roll, and we are the only people that matter anyway. I just read your blog for the first time, and I think its entertaining how many times I show up in it! I'm going to miss you, when is your flight back to the P-Town? I want to plan you a welcome home party . . . even though you haven't left yet. and even though you claim that you are going to leave me . . . forever. What am I going to do once I run out of pre-missionaries unless you are around? Wow, I'm spazzing today. I am doing far too much right now. I just want a break. A VERY LONG break. I'm sick of everything right now. And I'm totally ranting too. I'm sorry. Have a good one.