Monday, November 10, 2008

So your moving to Canada?

So 4 years ago many democrats were complaining if Bush won that they would move to Canada. Now that Senator/President-Elect Obmama has defeated John McCain I hear many republicans complaining that the country is going to heel so they are going to Canada.

No matter what whenever the other party wins the country is going to hell... haha

Well Congratulations to the American People! YES WE DID!!!

Hope Won! It's not going to be an easy climb back up, thats even if we can get back up. But we have a chance a great leader who is willing to do what he can for US the American People!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Broken Ankles

Yes it's true. Both of my ankles are fractured.

You see what happened was.... Around Sept 1st I woke up with intense swelling and pain in my right ankle. My left one was sore but nothing to the effect of the right one. It felt and seemed just like gout and so we wrote it off as being gout. The thing was at the time I had no insurance since the BYU insurance doesn't begin until the semester begins. therefore I could not get into see a doctor.

My ankle's pain went down about 4 days later and I felt ok although it was tender. Then suddenly yesterday they both were in pain! I went to the Urgent Care Center and they began running multiple tests and X-rays.

Today the X-rays came back and both of my Ankles are fractured. Now this is where things get complicated. There was no recent injury that caused the ankles to fracture. The Podiatrist said that it could be fractures that I have lived with for years now. According to him most people who fracture their ankles so never know. So there can be 2 outcomes of this.

1. we are waiting for the blood tests to come back to see if related to arthritis or gout or anything like that. It it is arthritis the breaks will be fine if I am treated with medications... for the rest of my life. That also means I will have to see a rheumatologist. What is funny about that is BYU dosn't have a rheumatologist because 99% of students at school do not have symptoms of old people.

2. if there is no arthritis found the fractures are the cause of pain (even though I may have had them for years) I will need surgery on both of my ankles.

So the possiblities: Take Meds the rest of my life or surgery....

Ay ay
Thursday, September 4, 2008

Here's a list of Things Obama has Accomplished

1. Sponsored the “Higher Education through Pell Grant Expansion Act”.

2. Co-sponsored the “Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act” proposed by John McCain.

3. Amended the “Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act” proposed by Arlen Specter.

4. Supported the “Secure Fence Act” to build fences and other security along the Mexican border.

5. Introduced the “Lugar-Obama” initiative expanding a previous initiative to reduce the threat of conventional weapons.

6. Was the primary sponsor of the “Democratic Republic of the Congo Relief, Security, and Democracy Promotion Act,” which was signed into law December 22, 2006.

7. The “Coburn-Obama Transparency Act” would create a web site listing all organizations receiving federal funding from 2007 onward. It would provide a breakdown of which agencies gave out funds, what organizations received funds, and what the funds were used for.

8. He joined Russ Feingold in passing a bill to strengthen legislation regulating legigslators’ travel on corporate jets.

9. Along with Charles Schumer he passed a bill to criminalize deceptive practices in federal elections including fraudulent flyers and automatic phone calls.

10. Co-sponsored a bill on climate change with John McCain to reduce greenhouse gases by 2/3 by 2050.

His accomplishments in the private sector:

1. Headed a non-profit organization assisting churches to organize job training programs.

2. After receiving his law degree magna *** laude from Harvard, he directed a Chicago area voter registration drive.

2a. He was elected Harvard Law Review’s first “black” president.

3. As an attorney with with Miner, Barnhill & Galland from 1993 to 1996, he represented community organizers, discrimination claims, and voting rights cases.

4. He was a lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School from 1993 until his election to the Senate in 2004.

Example: if you dump in Obama’s name you start with (and I’ve randomly skipped between the 113 entries) Note: if your eyes gloss over on some of these (some of which are admittedly routine “I honor Mr. X or Mrs. Y” type of stuff) I’ve put a link to the advanced search feature as well below the quote

1. S.CON.RES.5 : A concurrent resolution honoring the life of Percy Lavon Julian, a pioneer in the field of organic chemistry and the first and only African-American chemist to be inducted into the National Academy of Sciences.
Sponsor: Sen Obama, Barack [IL] (introduced 1/31/2007) Cosponsors (5)
Committees: Senate Judiciary
Latest Major Action: 1/31/2007 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

2. S.CON.RES.25 : A concurrent resolution condemning the recent violent actions of the Government of Zimbabwe against peaceful opposition party activists and members of civil society.
Sponsor: Sen Obama, Barack [IL] (introduced 3/29/2007) Cosponsors (7)
Committees: Senate Foreign Relations
Latest Major Action: 6/26/2007 Held at the desk. [...]

8. S.J.RES.23 : A joint resolution clarifying that the use of force against Iran is not authorized by the Authorization for the Use of Military Force Against Iraq, any resolution previously adopted, or any other provision of law.
Sponsor: Sen Obama, Barack [IL] (introduced 11/1/2007) Cosponsors (None)
Committees: Senate Foreign Relations
Latest Major Action: 11/1/2007 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

9. S.114 : A bill to authorize resources for a grant program for local educational agencies to create innovation districts.
Sponsor: Sen Obama, Barack [IL] (introduced 1/4/2007) Cosponsors (None)
Committees: Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
Latest Major Action: 1/4/2007 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.

10. S.115 : A bill to suspend royalty relief, to repeal certain provisions of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, and to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal certain tax incentives for the oil and gas industry.
Sponsor: Sen Obama, Barack [IL] (introduced 1/4/2007) Cosponsors (None)
Committees: Senate Finance
Latest Major Action: 1/4/2007 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

11. S.116 : A bill to authorize resources to provide students with opportunities for summer learning through summer learning grants.
Sponsor: Sen Obama, Barack [IL] (introduced 1/4/2007) Cosponsors (3)
Committees: Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
Latest Major Action: 1/4/2007 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. [...]

Additional Details

1 minute ago

12. [109th] S.2803 : A bill to amend the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977 to improve the safety of mines and mining.
Sponsor: Sen Enzi, Michael B. [WY] (introduced 5/16/2006) Cosponsors (11)
Committees: Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions; House Education and the Workforce
Senate Reports: 109-365
Latest Major Action: Became Public Law No: 109-236 [GPO: Text, PDF]

13. [109th] S.4044 : A bill to clarify the treatment of certain charitable contributions under title 11, United States Code.
Sponsor: Sen Hatch, Orrin G. [UT] (introduced 9/29/2006) Cosponsors (1)
Committees: House Judiciary
Latest Major Action: Became Public Law No: 109-439 [GPO: Text, PDF]

33 seconds ago

Stuff that has cleared the Senate (where Obama was one of the primary sponsors, not cosponsors):

1. [109th] S.RES.291 : A resolution to congratulate the Chicago White Sox on winning the 2005 World Series Championship.
Sponsor: Sen Obama, Barack [IL] (introduced 10/27/2005) Cosponsors (1)
Latest Major Action: 10/27/2005 Passed/agreed to in Senate. Status: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.

2. [109th] S.RES.516 : A resolution recognizing the historical significance of Juneteenth Independence Day and expressing the sense of the Senate that history should be regarded as a means for understanding the past and solving the challenges of the future.
Sponsor: Sen Obama, Barack [IL] (introduced 6/19/2006) Cosponsors (4)
Latest Major Action: 6/19/2006 Passed/agreed to in Senate. Status: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.
Sunday, August 24, 2008

Brighter Days Are Here

Tay Zonday (the famed internet artist of Chocolate Rain) is one of my favorite artist. He just released a new song that I enjoy.

You should all check it out!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Obama Picks Veep!

So its 1:45 am MST and I get a text messsage from the Obama campaign that says:

Barrack has chosen Senator Joe Biden to be our VP nominee. Watch the first Obama-Biden rally live at 3pm ET on Spread the Word!

I think this is a fitting choice and I will post more comments on this selection later!


(CNN) -- Sen. Barack Obama has selected Sen. Joe Biden as his running mate, according to his official Web site and a text message the campaign sent to supporters on Saturday.

Delaware Sen. Joe Biden is Sen. Barack Obama's choice to be his vice-presidential running mate.

Delaware Sen. Joe Biden is Sen. Barack Obama's choice to be his vice-presidential running mate.

"Barack has chosen Senator Joe Biden to be our VP nominee," the text message, sent at around 3 a.m. ET, said.

Word that Biden's was Obama's choice first came early Saturday when Democratic sources confirmed the decision to CNN.

Obama was expected to appear with Biden at a Saturday afternoon rally in Springfield, Illinois.

Biden was considered a possible choice for vice president, but the buzz surrounding him intensified after he returned earlier this week from a two-day trip to the Republic of Georgia after Russian troops invaded.

Biden, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, brings years of experience that could help counter GOP arguments that an Obama administration would be inexperienced on foreign policy. Video Watch what Biden would bring to an Obama presidency »

Sen. John McCain's campaign quickly reacted to word that Biden would be Obama's running mate with a dig at Obama's foreign policy credentials.

"There has been no harsher critic of Barack Obama's lack of experience than Joe Biden," McCain campaign spokesman Ben Porritt said in a written statement.

"Biden has denounced Barack Obama's poor foreign policy judgment and has strongly argued in his own words what Americans are quickly realizing -- that Barack Obama is not ready to be president."

In a debate during the Democratic primary contest, Biden raised questions about Obama's foreign policy experience.

"Who among us is going to be able on day one to step in an end the war? Who among us understands what to do about Pakistan? Who among us is going to pick up the phone and immediately interface with Putin and tell him to lay off Georgia because Saakashvili is in real trouble. Who among us knows what they're doing? I have 35 years of experience," Biden said.

During another debate, moderator George Stephanopoulos referred to some of Biden's comments on Obama.

"You were asked, 'Is he ready?' You said, 'I think he can be ready, but right now, I don't believe he is. The presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training,'" Stephanopoulos said.

"I think I stand by that statement," Biden replied.

Biden, in a July interview, said he would choose Obama's judgment over John McCain's war record and foreign policy experience.

"But 20 years of experience that has not been very solid in terms of projecting what was going to happen just doesn't make you a better commander-in-chief," Biden said. "We don't need as a commander-in-chief a war hero. John's a war hero. We need someone with some wisdom."

Biden abandoned his own White House run after a poor showing in Iowa's first-in-the-nation caucuses. He also ran for the 1988 Democratic presidential nomination but dropped out after charges of plagiarism in a stump speech.

The 65-year-old was first elected to the Senate in 1972. Shortly afterwards, his first wife and daughter were killed in a car accident. He considered resigning, but decided to continue with his political career.

Biden is currently serving out his sixth term, making him Delaware's longest-serving senator.

Biden is married and has three children. He received his undergraduate degree from the University of Delaware and got a law degree from Syracuse.

In 1988, Biden suffered an aneurysm and nearly died but has recovered fully.

One of Biden's grandfathers was a Pennsylvania state senator, according to the Almanac of American Politics.

News of Biden's selection came after word that three Democrats who had been considered contenders, New York Sen. Hillary Clinton, Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh and Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine, had been ruled out.

Biden will make his first big speech as the vice-presidential candidate on Wednesday, August 27 -- the third night of the Democratic convention.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Quick Update

So things haven't been as bad as they could be. Stock Market goes up and down in crazy fluctuation, but hasn't it always done that?

As for being a 'tree hugging baby killer' as Utah ultra Conservative Mormons call me I haven't been updating my blog like I should be. So I will make this once again a part of my routine.
Monday, July 14, 2008

Fannie Mac?

The plan to 'save' the world. I am intrigued to see what this week on Wall St. brings us.

So what happens if we don't help out the major lending istitutions of the US? CNN says

"If they were unable to do so, it would raise the cost and restrict the availability of mortgage loans, causing more problems for already battered housing prices and sales. That in turn would be another significant problem for the overall U.S. economy, as well as global credit markets."

Referring that their inability to give out loans will ruin not only the US market but put a damper on the global market.

That being said, I want to see what the Feds do and where the market goes this week.

We currently stand as so:

Updated: July 11

Dow 11,100.54

Nasdaq 2,239.08

S&P 1,239.49

Monday, June 16, 2008

No Internet

I apologize to all who read my blog. I have had many things to write about but the internet has been down in my apartment building.

My condolences go out to Tim Russert's Family. He was a great man who challenged all politicians to greatness. I encourage you all to watch videos dedicated to him on Youtube

Watch Al Gore's endorsement of Senator Obama

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Hey Bush! What did the five fingers say to the face?

(for any of you that don't get that joke look at

That is what the supreme court Justices told President Bush on their Guantanamo Bay ruling.

Under President Bush's policies there have been detainees held for 6 with no charges brought against them. Granted these are what the United States of America consider to be extreme threats to our country holding them with no charges is unjust. I believe that if one is to be held by the USA for crimes brought against it that person is entitled to the same rights that we are such as Due Processes, habeas corpus, etc.

So now the detainees have the right to challenge their detention. However under Bush's anti-terrorism policy that was not possible. We as Americans are infuriated when our people are held in other countries with even legit reasons. Just imagine how their people feel and why they hate us so.

Now with that being said these men kept there are serious threats. Pelosi said that she wants Guantanamo Bay closed. I do not agree with her completely. I agree they should be giving the right to a trial and contest as to why they are being held but they do need to be kept in strong containment.

So the military jurisdiction is weakened and the detainees have the right to plead to the federal courts. If these are truly bad people as President Bush claims we should put our trust in the leaders under him to prosecute and or judge under what we claim "Liberty and Justice for All"
Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I finally received Scott McClellan’s book 'What Happened'. It had been on back order from for a few weeks. Thus far I am very intrigued by his insights to the Whitehouse then to the person we know was President Bush.

Bush seemed to believe the change that Obama speaks of these days. I do remember the days when Bush was first selected to be President by not the people but by the Supreme Court. That is when I first started getting into politics. He also spoke of change and a different government because everybody was tired of the scandals that emerged from the Clinton administration. So now I'm intrigued. Bush claimed change and we got it. Obama claims change and we hope for it. McCain says we can't believe in change.

Senator Obama discusses in his book 'The Audacity of Hope' much desires to be a people’s politician, bipartisan if you will. He is young and daring but republicans swear up and down that he is very liberal. Well his voting record proves that. Bush was bipartisan but went Nazi-Right-Wing shortly after election. So what should we hope for Obama? That he is a liberal with hope and that he changes to a strong bipartisan elected official.

This is why I have always been weary of electing Senator Obama. Will he bring to pass what he claims? Or will he end up like President Bush? After all the American people did not elect President Bush the first time...

"There is an idealistic streak in many of us who get involved in politics. We have a longing for a great leader - The on we imagine as the mythical president of strong character, free of debilitating personal flaws, and committed to striving for high ideals and bringing about something as close to Camelot as we can get, where truth, goodness, and beauty reign supreme.

Most of us are also grounded enough in reality to recognize that such a superhuman leader exists on in our imagination. Yet we still hope for the rare leader who possesses extraordinary talents, unique charisma, and a firm commitment both to striving for greatness and to achieving it the right way, honestly and nobly" - Scott McClellan

I hope that one day I may be able to present the American people with that kind of leader. I work for it now in hopes of a better future for all us.

I believe with Obama we are one step closer to that leader, not quite all the way there but closer.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I was reading an article on today about McCain's tax holiday and saw that a person that goes by Viva Obama 08 posted this:

"A Vote for Barack Obama is a vote for Hillary Clinton because they support the same cause.
A vote for John McCain is a vote for a George Bush third term more wars, bad economy and more country will not want to deal with our country. If you were really a true Hillary suppoter that want a better America for this generation and the future generation you must vote Democratic this November. Please do yourself a good favor and vote for the Democratic nominee this coming November.
No hard feeling because Hillary has none against Barack. We must put the Republican out of the white house.
As you can see, we are in a big reccession and that will get worse with a John McCain."

I couldn't agree more with this person. Other post on this article I read people claiming to be democrat but plan to vote for McCain because he is more liberal than any other Republican. Although that may be true we must remember that the presidency is made by the people in which he surrounds himself. Obama is supported by Senator Kennedy, Senator Edwards, Governor Richardson, House whip Clyburn, and Senator Clinton. McCain is supported by people such as President Bush, Fred Thompson, Peter Fitzgerald (an unpopular Illinois Senator), and oh yeah Sylvester Stallone.

For all of us that are upset that Clinton didn't get the needed delegates lets stop bickering and put our support behind the man she supports: Senator Barack Obama!

“I’m asking you to believe, not in my ability to bring about real change in Washington. I’m asking you to believe in yours.” —Barack Obama.

Believe in your power...
Monday, June 9, 2008


This pas week has been different. Without a car I feel helpless and I don't like asking everybody for rides to work and whatnot. I don't get how people take advantage of others and always get rides to wherever they need to go. But for all you that help me out... Thanks!

As for the election goes. I really don't understand past Hillary supporters. I supported Mrs. Clinton until she gave up the race and endorsed Senator Obama. I read in blogs on the internet that instead of voting for Obama they are going to vote for McCain. So my question is to them "Why were you going to vote Hillary in the first place?" You go from supporting someone that is ready to end the war to a person that is willing to spend 100 years in Iraq. A person that is for Universal Health care (although I agree the idea needs to be refined greatly) to a person who doesn't care if you have health insurance. This is how the country got screwed with Bush. People thinking lets just vote for someone we like, rather than pay attention to what is really going on. So for all the people that will not vote Obama because he is black and his middle name is Hussein. Thank you for not only screwing your self but for allowing nations to dwindle in unbelief.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Yes We Can!

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.

BARACK OBAMA, speech, Feb. 5, 2008

Everyone who knows me knows that I am politically active. Up until last night I supported Hillary Clinton in running for president. I chose her over Obama because I feared his experience would one day be an issue. I still have great respect for Senator Clinton and bid her well in her future endeavors. Senator Obama obtained the required delegates to be the Democratic Nominee. I voted and campaigned for Senator Obama back in Illinois when he ran for Senate. I will now do the same.

My Friends I encourage you to compare the 2 candidates for president. Obama and McCain. Do not let McCain fool you into how he is not like president Bush while he supports the war to last another 100 years. McCain believes in preemptive war and is already taking verbal shots at Iran. We do not need to lose any more American lives. I love and respect the many Solders who put their lives on the line for us everyday and I pray for their well being. Alas it is time to reorganize the war effort so that we may give the country back to the Iraqi people

Be Active get involved. Register to Vote and voice your opinion! Its your right and your duty! The power of one can be herd!
Monday, June 2, 2008

Long Time No Post

Life has gotten pretty much routine. I let myself get stuck in the world of work and nothing else. I was knocked out of that by my visit to Chicago. I became concerned with where I was going with life and how long I wanted to be at school. I began to re-read the books by Dale Carnegie and refreshed the ambition that I had lost by some minor setbacks in my life. I then read a quote by Thomas Edison "If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves."

After reading a combination of Carnegie and reading Edison's quote I realized that I need to make some serious changes in my life in order get where I want to go. I love the hotel industry and consider it my career and hope that one day I may franchise my own chain of hotels in the future. Having experience is great by with out an education that would never happen. As well I consider myself very political. I have been quite active participating in activities hosted by the democratic party or any other similar functions. I have ambitions to one day run for senator and even president because I see a brighter future the same one that Obama dreams of. We need more politicians like him.

With all that being said. I am making an attempt to return to school full time again come this fall. It will take quite a bit of effort but I am going to do it. It is going to take a lot of sacrifice and I will have to give some things that I love very much in my life. But in order to make my future brighter and stronger I will have to do this. My plans are to return to school full time and by doing that I will graduate with a double major by the end of Winter term 2010. So I will now do my best to accomplish this goal.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008

¿Que esta pasando?


Not much is going on these days. I'm just working and getting ready to go back to the Chi!

I had an interesting conversation at work tonight. One of the ladies at work was giving me relationship advice. It was quite interesting. She was saying how not to get involved with only one person and to get around and see what other people are like. For those that are naive she was saying have sex with more than one girl before settling down! LOL

We sorta talked about me being 'Mormon' and mentioned that the divorce rate in Utah is the highest in the nation. Somehow we got on the subject that I have never seriously dated a Mormon girl. We tried to figure out why that is but I don't even know. I have asked more Mormon girls out on dates than non Mormon girls but I have had only successful relationships with non-Mormons. Weird huh? We went on to subject that Mormon girls are hard to please and all they think about is getting married to have sex. So since I don't feel like I really want to get married right away Mormon girls probably shy away from that! LOL. so yeah.

Maybe I am picky? I doubt it I've dated black girls, white girls, mexican girls, fat girls, skinny girls, model looking girls. So whatever! haha. Maybe it is just that I am normal like the rest of the world; focused on my career and getting school done and not trying to get married just so I can get freaky! LOLz

Well I'm off! WWJD?
Sunday, May 4, 2008


Haha! I love this pic of them! I don't even remember what is going on! The wedding was lot of fun.

They got married Saturday morning and the weather was perfect for a wedding.

After the Ceremony we had luncheon at some place that offered 'gourmet' food. It was good. We then left to Vegas! It was a simple drive nothing spetacular. The reception was held in a chapel next to the Vegas temple. It was decorated very elegantly and the cheese was good. After the reception we had a good time on the strip hung out at Caesar's Palace and Bellagio's. Tyler played $1 in the penny slots and won about $18! Haha funny.

So today we stopped by the Coca-Cola and M&M store place thing. It was weird... I never knew you could by so much stuff with their corporate symbols on it. Outside there was a mime guy that was painted to look like brass. He was entertaining while hitting on the ladies in the crowd.

We also decided to watch the water show in front of the Bellagio. It was done to the Titanic song... riiight. What was funny was that Tyler and Kim started dancing to the music while Kim was announcing that she didn't know him... although they were dancing. Haha they are a crazy couple.

On our way out of Vegas we stopped at In and Out. Man I wish we had one near by here. The drive back was fine. We mostly just slept while Tyler drove. Every now and then we became conscious to bust a joke or two.

After getting back to 'Happy Valley' we saw how 'slow' life is here and how 'safe' it felt here!!! HAHAHA... really the feeling was so different. Provo life is dead whereas Vegas has that city life that I enjoy. As soon as I'm done with school I can't wait to get to life that has action to it! Nothing of this lets all be cute Mormon people and hold hands while making babies!! ah.. I'm so tired of it.
Friday, May 2, 2008

-Travel Log Stardate... ha!-

Today began our trip to St. George/Las Vegas for Brandon and Lacey's wedding. It was a crazy fun drive down.

It all began when Kirsten and her mother came to pick me up first to visit her grandmother. It was fun as she is on the older side and wanted to know if I was 'Spanish' LOL. Crazy white people ;)

We had a fun drive down to St. George talking about crazy stuff such as my Uncle Wally and their Uncle Larry... hahaha! We also took a little detour to Zion's National Park. As you see in the picture. I will have many other pictures posted on my facebook and myspace when I get done with the trip.

We got to St. George and got settled in the hotel then we went to visit the St. George temple. While we were there a man approaches us and asked if we spoke English. We said yes and then he started speaking in Spanish!! LOL. He was interested about the LDS church and was asking questions he had visited with the missionaries and they gave him a Book of Mormon. I had the great opportunity to share my testimony about the church to him and even help him understand that he can get closer to God by seeking out these truths and praying. It was a good experience and being in Utah I don't get much of those types here.

So we went back to the hotel and were talking about dessert and we wanted pie. I started talking about Bakers Square and they were like oooh that sounds good! So we though to look up to see if there is one here in St. George. Nope... but on the Bakers Square website it mentioned Village Inn!! It is owned by the same company! So we went and got pie and sho nuff it was dang good pie! lol Then we stopped and got fries from McDonalds! Man we are fat. Well tomarrow is the wedding! oh what fun.... marriage what is marriage... trwue wuv! LOL
Thursday, May 1, 2008

-Adios B-

So today started out to what seemed to be a normal day. Waking up from people texting me and what not. It was actually Liz telling me about evil plots or something like that.

So Nick starts texting me telling me that there is some crazy stuff going on at work. I guess they wanted him to come in but he was on his way to Oakland.

So I'm on my way to work and Estella (one of our housekeepers) calls me and tells me to stop by because she has an extra pair of new pants that she is going to give me. So I went by and saw the pants were sweet! I haven't bought jeans in years literally so its nice to have some new pants.

So after that quick visit I get to work and there are cops and what not every where. They are dusting for fingerprints and questioning people. Sometime within the past 24 hours someone had stolen about $2k worth of cash from the hotel.

Now each hotel employee that handles cash on a regular basis has their own 'bank' ranging from $200 to $600 dollars depending on the need. Each of these 'banks' are kept in safe deposit boxes that take 2 keys to open. The employee keeps one key and the hotel has the other. Everyone was quite baffled as to how the 'banks' had been stolen since they were locked up.

It turns out one of the restaurant servers had carefully stolen the keys from most of the employees that had banks and carefully took the money out of each one. She confessed to it after she noticed that the police were dusting for fingerprints and she became scared.

Who knows why she would do something like this; drugs, debt; mafia? I much rather live on the street than be a felon.

Tomorrow I leave to go to Brandon and Lacey's wedding. I am quite excited! I'm not very prepared to leave so I better get to going and do that. hmm but food first!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Hmm... Today? Today's post makes my life look really lame.

I woke up this morning because I had a meeting at the Marriott Residence Inn at 10am. The night before I had been up all night playing video games so I was quite tired. Nevertheless it was productive.

I have the day off at the PC Marriott so I went to take a nap when I got home only to be awoken by people texting me. lol.

After the nap I began my day and saw that I had some new messages inquiring about cell phones so just gotta take of getting people some phones now. Afterwards I began to play Wii again. I have a bad addiction on Zelda twilight princess. haha

Around 4sih Jason el chivo came by to get his but whooped in Wii. Although he did beat me in SSX I stopmped him in everything else.

Afterward I went to help one of my best friends, Liz pick out some shoes for dancing. I love to salsa, bachata, menegue, cumbia although I could use some more practice I do quite well. So we looked around the mall for some shoes and she was having trouble finding some but we finally found some and she looked qutie charming as she was dancing in them around the shoe store. lol She is learning basic ballroom dances such as the cha-cha, foxtrot, and other things of the sort. One day I shall learn those dances too. I just never had anyone to dance them with unlike Latin dancing.

We had a good evening ate at Carl's Jr. and then we went home. As she left my presence she sang to me a song which of course was awesome.

Now I prepare for this weekends adventures as I plan to go down to Vegas for my friends Brandon and Lacey's wedding. Well I am either going to play Zelda now or go watch at movie... or ghost hunters. lol... hmmm... how bout food... yeah that sounds good. Can't go wrong there.

New Blog!!

So after much thinking very much so I though it would be fun to put my life on the internet for every one to divulge in and enjoy.

What will I write about? Nobody know... not even me.

So a quick recap on my life. My senior year in high school I started my own business, HJ2Enterprise. I did quite well buying and selling and even helping other people on the internet start their own businesses. At one point I began to profit $3 to $4k a week. Not shabby for an 18 year old boy.

Well after doing that for a while I decided to serve a mission for the LDS church. I was called to serve in the Dominican Republic Santiago Mission under the direction of J.Devn Cornish, who has now been called to the quorum of the 70.

I served there for two years in the cities of Salcedo, Moca, San Francisco De Macoris, Puerto Plata, and Santiago itself. I had a great time and I miss the country like no other.

When I came home from serving the mission I started up Luxudor, Inc. A company which owns a few other companies including my new project . It is a telecommunications company that sells phone services, mobile phone services, and Direct TV. It is fairly new so I am putting my time in and hope to see excellent results.

I plan later to invest in hotel properties and franchise Marriott brand hotels. I currently work at a Marriott and love it.